You know yesterday night when I went to church, I was asked to write down the sorrows and anger that I wanted to express to God. So I wrote and wrote - I told Him how I felt and asked Him for some reassurance. When my pastor prayed for me, I remember these were the things he said:
That I didn't need to impress anyone
That God can provide me with affirmations through His love.
That I don't have to look for love from any other sources
That God can be the sole provider of love
That He is my only audience.
Then today, I just felt like listening to this song: Times by Tenth Avenue North. I didn't think much of it until I sent it to my friend and she told me that she really liked this last part of the song:
well My love is over, it's underneath
it's inside, it's in between,
these times you're healing
and when your heart breaks
the times that you feel like you've fallen from grace
the times you're hurting
the times that you heal
the times you go hungry and are tempted to steal
in times of confusion and chaos and pain
I'm there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame
I'm there through your heartache
I'm there in the storm
My love I will keep you by My power alone
I dont care where you've fallen, where you have been
I'll never forsake you
My love never ends, it never ends...
...God never stops speaking :)