Do you ever think about those missed opportunities you have had? Do you sometimes have regrets and wish you could go back? Whether it's a lost chance with someone you crushed on or even an assignment that you thought you could have done better only if you worked a bit harder; there is always the question that pops up - What if?
What if I asked him/her out? What if I put more effort and managed my time better?
I don't know who exactly reads my blog, but if you have the time to sit here and read this message, I am sure you have the time to change this attitude. Stop fretting, stop regretting - it's really the past and the sad truth is that we can never go back. It's true, it sucks. At times, I do encounter regrets. What keeps me going though, is the fact that I can look back at those mistakes and think what I can do differently. I sometimes do get angry at myself actually. I need that constant motivation, that push, that drive. But just know, you're not alone.
Just know that ultimately, you are in control of what you want to see in yourself. God has a purpose for you and you have already acquired the greatest opportunity - your life. You still have all the time in your LIFE to make anything you want worthwhile and meaningful.
No doubts, no regrets, and most importantly, get excited :)