Tuesday 12 February 2013

Days that Mattered

Days that Mattered is a story about a daughter, who had an amazing relationship with her father, but gradually drifted away from him as she grew older. Sometimes we are so consumed with our own lives that we just gradually start to neglect and ignore our loved ones until we realize it much later in life. I believe this is very relevant to many of us. I, too, have to admit that I often take my parents for granted and I do not give them the appreciation they deserve.

This short film allows the audience to think. In the beginning of this film, I'm sure many of us were thinking about our past relationships with a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone we really liked. And that was the point. You see, we are sometimes so consumed with our own personal lives that we do not pay enough attention to the other blessings around us, our other loved ones - our family.

Seeing our parents' unending and sacrificial love for us - it's actually amazing. Unfortunately, I feel like I won't truly understand what my parents are going through until I become a parent myself. And that is why I feel like this short film speaks. I hope it can remind us that we don't have to wait for our parents to grow old and for us to FINALLY realize their love when we eventually end up in their shoes as parents ourselves. No. I believe we can show love, appreciation, and most importantly, respect to them.....today.

So... let's make every single day matter :)

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