Tuesday, 20 October 2015

A look into Humility

Currently, I'm reading this book called "You and Me Forever" by Francis Chan. Although this book is written for couples who want to build healthy relationships with one another, I feel like this book has taught me about how to apply what I've learned to not just my future relationship with my spouse, but my current relationships - with family, friends, or even people that I don't know.

In the past week, I learned about the true meaning of humility. Jesus has so many positive attributes - but humility is definitely a big one which I think would help any type of relationship we have with others. In the book, it tells us that "it is easy to get blinded in the heat of disagreements. Soon, all we want is to win, even if victory requires sin". When I think about that quote, I try to think about those times when maybe in the heat of frustration, I would say something from spite, or just to feel like I have the last word to a discussion. Thinking back, this was a sense of pride that I wasn't willing to give up, and a sign that I lacked humility. 

Every relationship goes through moments of anger and temporary failures. As the book discussed, you must determine your goal. What matters more? Winning arguments or resembling Christ? I think we can all agree that we love to win - whether it's in sports, a board game, or a fight. It's in our human nature. But does that help our relationship with the other person? Is that a testimony of Christ's love and joy? Some food for thought!

[Part 2] soon! :)

Thursday, 1 October 2015


I haven't blogged in a while but I feel compelled to. I am just really happy because I can see and feel how God is working in me. I couldn't really think of anything specifically to blog about right now, but I just want to give all the gratefulness and glory to God right now. So...I'm just going to have a quick brain dump of some things in my mind that I'm thankful for. I definitely encourage you to do the same if you ever feel stuck in a rut. It's freeing actually!

Things I'm thankful for:
  • My dad who always brings joy and simplicity to every situation. 
  • My mom for showing me the example of striving for improvement and showing me the attitude of following Christ. 
  • My sister for the closeness we have now and the honest advice she gives. 
  • My brother because he's my brother (haha) and is always passionate in helping me with tech issues.
  • My wonderful friends for listening to me, supporting me, and bringing me so much laughter. 
  • My home 
  • School and the ability to study
  • My jobs 
  • Gifts to serve God with
  • Passion for basketball 
  • Having the luxury to eat out
  • To have clothing 
  • Being able to connect with and care for others
  • Good health
  • Being chosen by God to be a Christ follower. 
God, thank you!!!