Wednesday 3 October 2012


Everyday can be great as long as we want it to be. Even with stress from school, mixed emotions, or just a busy schedule, I try to remind myself to feel appreciative and glad to be able to experience each day. God constantly tries to tell us of how much he loves us - even when sometimes it's so easy to overlook.

Today, I was talking to my friend from school about church. It was so encouraging when he told me that during his tough times, he went to church and was able to feel a sense of peace. That's the thing with God. He's so happy when we seek Him, and He just wants to fill us up with the Holy Spirit that overflows with love.  When I went to worship practice later at night, we were all so pumped with energy to not only play the music, but really experience the lyrics: "You are here, you are everything". When I went home, my friend sent me a link to the song, Time in Between. What struck me the most were these words: "Waiting on what you'll bring, and the things that I can't see, I know my song's incomplete, still I'll sing in the time in between". God yearns for our patience, because he will provide THE BEST for us. Finally, my sister in Christ sent me a link about true love. True love comes when we leave our way and pursue God's way which will lead to something above and beyond anything we could imagine. So feel encouraged and be blessed because our Lord our God is here with all of us, always.

"Don't pray for life to be easy, but pray for yourself to be strong".